Already the fifteenth stevedoring company has become the member of Association of Lithuanian Stevedoring Companies

Rapidly developing Klaipeda Seaport Company “Western Stevedoring” has become the fifteenth member of Association of Lithuanian Stevedoring Companies.
Today the general meeting of Association members approved the request of the director general of “Western Stevedoring ” Gediminas Rimkus to accept the company to ALSC under the rights of the regular and legal member. So far the company “Western Stevedoring” being the member of SC Western Shipyard group, acted as the representative of the whole group of all companies. As of today “Western Stevedoring” has become the full right member of Association of Lithuanian Stevedoring Companies.
Established in 2003 “Western Stevedoring” operates three specialized terminals designated for handling and storage of dry and packed bulk cargoes, oversized and heavy lift cargoes and liquid products in the Southern part of the Seaport. Presently the annual throughput of the company reaches over 2 mln. tons of cargo . The company has established 140 work places.