The merits of the President of Association were evaluated by the Medal of Lithuanian Sea Captain Liudvikas Stulpinas

The President of the Association of Lithuanian Stevedoring Companies (ALSC) Vaidotas Šileika was awarded the Medal of Lithuanian Sea Captain Liudvikas Stulpinas. The Medal for exclusive merits was awarded during the Seamen’s Party organized in the framework of the Sea Festival.
„Vaidotas Šileika is an outstanding personality, the director managing one of Klaipeda Seaport cargo handling terminals for the longest time period. Due to the significant contribution of Vaidotas Šileika Klaipeda Seaport has become the container handling leader in the entire Eastern Baltic region“ – sounded the words of sincere evaluation of Vaidotas Šileika.
Due to the initiative of Vaidotas Šileika Klaipeda Container Terminal, managed by him since 2002, has turned into the first multimodal terminal in the Seaport and within the period of 2006-2008 Klaipeda Seaport for the first time within the entire period of its history was ahead the Freeport of Riga and has become the leader of container handling in the Baltic countries.
Personally Vaidotas Šileika treats this award as the evaluation of professional activity.
“I treat this award as the evaluation of my professional activity. This award makes me feel delighted and grateful, but at the same time it obliges to do my best to turn the Seaport of Klaipeda to modern and competitive Port, attractive to our clients, friendly both to environment and to people working there. We cannot stop. All together we must endeavour to make the Seaport of Klaipeda the leader of the entire region”- told Vaidotas Šileika after the ceremony.
During the Seamen’s Party the Medal of Honour established by ALSC was awarded to Aldona Staponkienė, the long time chairperson of the Law Committee of Association.
The Medal designated to commemorate the personality of the first harbour master of Klaipeda Seaport Liudvikas Stulpinas was established in 2013 pursuant to the Order of the Minister of Transport and Communication of the Republic of Lithuania. This Medal is awarded to employees of Klaipeda Seaport, maritime industry, seamanship and river navigation for their long- term and impeccable work and merits in the development of maritime and inner waters’ transport, promotion of traditions of national maritime and inner waters’ transport.
For the time-being only four Medals manufactured from silver and gold have been awarded. In 2014 they were awarded to the member of Captains’ Club Antanas Sigitas Šileris and to one of the first directors of Klaipeda State Seaport Authority Valentinas Greičiūnas.
This year the Medals were awarded to Vaidotas Šileika and Juozas Darulis, the former head of Water Transport Department of the Ministry of Transport and Communication of the Republic of Lithuania.