The most secret information about the Seaport submitted in the book by Juozas Darulis

In his book „ The Chronicle of Management, Activity and Development of the Water Transport of the Republic of Lithuania in 2009-2012“ Juozas Darulis submits calculations what sums of money both State and private companies have invested into Klaipeda State Seaport infrastructure since 1994. Totally the invested sum of money exceed 4,5 billion LTL
The author admitted that the most important thing was to highlight the people. „Facts and events are important, but people who worked are the most important. This book contains data what sums of money each stevedoring company has earned and what sums of money they have invested. Calculations of sums of money invested both by State and by private companies is submitted d in my book. Exclusively due to this fact somebody suggested to make this this book a secret one “- joked J. Darulis.
According to the author KSS Authority has invested 1,853 billion LTL to the seaport infrastructure since 1994, all stevedoring companies operating in the seaport have invested 2,822 billion LTL. Meanwhile the pre-war Lithuanian government invested to the seaport of Klaipeda 41 million LTL within the period from 1923 to 1939.
Since 1992 both private and state-owned companies have invested 2.9 billion LTL. to the expansion of the fleet.
„The book contains the minutes with resolution parts of all formal and informal meetings, and workshops. Furthermore, this book encompasses even the material of all meetings of Transit Committee that heretofore was accessible only to very narrow circle of specialists, – mentioned the director of Klaipeda Passenger and Cargo Terminal the member of Lithuanian Stevedoring Companies Association B. Petrauskas presenting the book.
“80 percent of this book is dedicated to Klaipeda. It is almost the entire history of the town, after all, neither the port without the town nor the town without the port are able to exist. Exclusively for this chronicle J. Darulis may be awarded the name of the Honorary Citizen or even the scientific degree, – offered the long term Director of KSS Authority and the Honorary Citizen of Klaipeda Valentinas Greičiūnas.
The first book by Juozas Darulis „ The Chronicle of Management, Activity and Development of Transport of the Republic of Lithuania in 1918 – 2008“ was published in 2010.