Visit of FEPORT representatives to Lithuania

Today, on the 8th of February, the FEPORT Secretary General Lamia Kerdjoudj-Belkaid and the Policy Advisor Conor Feighan arrived with a visit to Lithuania. The President of Association of Lithuanian Stevedoring Companies Vaidotas Sileika, the Vice president Rimantas Juska and the Chief Operation Officer Harold Kovs received the guests. The Vice – minister of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Lithuania Arijandas Sliupas received the representatives of the Federation of European Private Operators and of the Association of Lithuanian Stevedoring Companies.
During this meeting the goals of European Commission concerning the European Seaports were discussed, the participants shared their position and opinions regarding these essential issues. Our guests suggested the assistance and consultations of their organisation on all issues and matters that may interest the Ministry.
Tomorrow the FEPORT representatives will go to Klaipeda where they will have the meeting with the members of Association of Lithuanian Stevedoring Companies and the chief executives of SE Klaipeda State Seaport Authority and will pay visits to the Seaport terminals. It is the first visit of FEPORT representatives to Lithuania and Klaipeda Seaport.